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Dr. Fernando Camacho De Coca

Dr. Fernando Camacho de Coca

Fernando's Bio
Fernando Camacho received a PhD and the European Doctorate mention in 2004 with a thesis on operational retrieval of vegetation variables from remote sensing BRDF data from the University of Valencia. Fernando is involved in the Land‐SAF project since 1999 on development and validation of vegetation products from EUMETSAT (MSG/SEVIRI and EPS/AVHRR) sensor data. His main areas of reserach are BRDF, retrieval of bio-geophysical variables (LAI, FAPAR, CWC, Biomass) from satellite optical data using empirical and physically based methods, validation of remote sensing products, and acquisition and upscaling of ground data in field campaigns for cal/val.

He has been involved in many Cal/Val campaigns for ESA (e.g., DAISEX, SPARC, SEN2FLEX, SEN3EXP, VALSE2, FRM4VEG) and Copernicus Global Land (> 50 campaigns were collected during FP7 ImagineS project). Since 2004 (his post-doc in Medias-France) he is primarely involved in the validation and quality assessment of remote sensing products (reflectance, albedo, vegetation variables) for the Copernicus Global Land Service, Copernicus Climate Change Service and ESA Climate Change Initiative. He has authored about 70 peer-reviewed papers and many international reports ( Chair of the Land Product Validation subgroup of the CEOS Working Group on Calibration and Validation from 2019 to 2022.

EOLAB Foundation
In 2006 Fernando founded the EOLAB company and since then he is working as CEO, but he is also acting as Project Manager providing to the technical people guidance with his scientific background on remote sensing.

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