EOLAB at the 1st Sentinel-2 Validation Team Meeting
EOLAB attended the 1st Sentinel-2 Validation Team Meeting, celebrated in ESA-ESRIN (Frascati, Rome, Italy) on 28-29 November 2016.
The Sentinel-2 Validation Team (S2VT) joins experts involved in relevant Cal/Val international groups, or by individual principal investigators, users, laboratories, and institutions. The objective of the S2VT is to collect independent validation evidence and experimental data to support the Sentinel-2 Mission. The S2VT aims at providing valuable feedback on the mission core products through the experience gained by S2VT members while exploiting Sentinel-2 data. Such recommendations will be taken into consideration by ESA.
Fernando Camacho made a presentation titled “A validation framework for Sentinel-2 biophysical products. Lessons learned during the ESA VALSE2 and the FP7 ImagineS projects“, and was the chair of the season #4 about the Downstream Products Validation.