EOLAB in the Science Team of the next International Network on Remote Sensing of Terrestrial and Aquatic Fluorescence, Davos, 5-8 March 2019
EOLAB will be in the Science Team of the next International Network on Remote Sensing of Terrestrial and Aquatic Fluorescence, Davos Switzerland, 5-8 March 2019 (https://nikal.eventsair.com/QuickEventWebsitePortal/flex-2019/esa). This International Network follows a series of events addressing remote sensing of vegetation fluorescence. With the Fluorescence Explorer (FLEX) –Sentinel-3 tandem mission in its implementation phase and fluorescence measurements becoming increasingly available from missions like OCO-2 and Sentinel-5 P, the network will focus on latest developments in fluorescence remote sensing. This includes fluorescence retrievals and atmospheric correction, product validation using ground and airborne instrumentation, and applications covering modeling at different spatial scales and data assimilation.