Doctor Camacho interview about climate change [Spanish].
[Clic here for watching video](Spanish) Camacho de Coca warns that the ecological crisis has only just begun and that we will have to wake up and live with coherence if we do not want to reach the collapse of the system. But among the bad omens of the indicators there is a hope, the opportunity that this crisis, as he assures, can bring humanity to a new planetary consciousness. Science speaks of consciousness. Perhaps yes, in this sense, his voice is also the paradigm of system change in which perhaps we are already immersed. Camacho de Coca warns that the ecological crisis has only just begun and that we will have to wake up and live with coherence if we do not want to reach the collapse of the system. But among the bad omens of the indicators there is a hope, the opportunity that this crisis, as he assures, can bring humanity to a new planetary consciousness. Science speaks of consciousness. Perhaps yes, in this sense, his voice is also the paradigm of system change in which perhaps we are already immersed.